You can find this information on the original box or receipt, or by signing in to on another computer. What’s more, with the Edge Detection feature in this Adobe Photoshop software, you can select fine elements of your picture so that you get done with editing quickly. If your MacBook is lost or stolen, you can report it to local law enforcement and provide them with the serial number of your computer. You can delete unwanted objects from your photos as this Adobe image editing software realistically fills up the space left behind. Furthermore, you can also produce HDR images with this Adobe Photoshop software by merging different exposures. Through the motion content editing tools in the Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Student and Teacher Edition (65050129) you can also paint over or add text to multiple frames of your video file. 8 ways to find the serial number, model, and year of your Mac 1. Moreover, you can turn your picture into a painting using this Adobe image editing software as it lets you generate natural brushstrokes. Using the Repoussé technology in this Adobe Photoshop software (one license and media), you can create realistic 3D images and designs. It can also be found on the original box or. A serial number can be found on the back of the base of the MacBook. Learn the art of digital imaging with the full version of the Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Student and Teacher Edition (65050129) software. Ways to Find A Serial Number On A Macbook.