Create a notebook for each subject, co-author lessons and share student work using OneNote.Stay informed and connected to colleagues with a SharePoint Team Site.Using Staff Notebooks to Improve School Efficiency.Share assignments, homework, quizzes and more using Class Notebook.Co-Author a Lesson with Teachers Using OneDrive Yammer and Office 365.This link, created within OneDrive, will function correctly regardless of which machine the two OneDrive files are subsequently opened on. The receiving cell in the Destination workbook is now referenced, or linked, to the selected cell in the Source workbook. You are automatically switched back to the Destination workbook. Press the Enter key to confirm your cell selection.Without clicking in any other cells, switch to the Source workbook and click on the cell containing the source data.In the Destination workbook, enter = into the cell receiving data.Repeat Step 1 to Step 4 to open your second Excel workbook in your desktop version of Excel.Your desktop version of Excel should now open to display your first Excel workbook. Click on the three dots (ellipsis) to the right of the file name to reveal additional menu options.Navigate to the folder/directory containing your first Excel workbook.Log in to your Office 365 account and open OneDrive.To link a Destination cell to a Source cell in two Excel workbooks in OneDrive, proceed as follows.

Linking cell references in two Excel workbooks Cell references and data connections can be repaired by following the same process you used to create the initial link. When moving Excel workbooks to OneDrive for Business, you may experience broken links between workbooks.

Linking Excel workbooks in OneDrive ensures that links function correctly regardless of which machine the two OneDrive files are subsequently opened on. Though it's possible to create linked cell references after simply opening files on your local machine, it should be noted that these links will only function correctly on the machine where they were created. If data is then updated in the Source workbook, the linked cell in the Destination workbook reflects the change. When two Excel workbooks are linked, or referenced, selected cell data in the Source workbook appears in referenced cells in the Destination workbook. This article shows how to create a link between two Excel workbooks stored in OneDrive for Business.